All students will take exams for English Math, Science, Social Studies, CTE Certification Courses, AP courses, and Dual Credit courses (no exemptions). For all other classes possible exemptions are as follows if a student has not served time in ISS or DAEP this year (to be confirmed by Admin):
- "A" for the semester, no more than 3 absences (to be confirmed by teachers)
- "B" for the semester, no more than 2 absences (to be confirmed by teachers)
***Students may choose to take the semester exam even if exempt should they want to raise their grade (this should only help the student's grade, not hurt it).
*** Teachers will have to confirm a student has a permission slip on file before leaving class (a Google Sheet list will be shared); permission slips will be available in the front office.
***Permission slips must be completed and turned in by the end of Tuesday, December 12. See the attached form or get a copy in the front office.
***Missing a mandatory testing period will disqualify any future exam exemptions unless a doctor's note is turned in or a parent has met with an administrator and secured approval.
***Students taking exams are expected to remain in their classroom for the entire exam period. This prevents rushing & also distractions to testers. If a teacher has a student who is exempt but does not have permission to leave school, they are responsible for providing a non-distracting task or activity for the student. Neighboring teachers have permission to arrange for a swap to consolidate non-testers if desired.