Josh Youree » Honors Geometry

Honors Geometry

This course is designed to develop an understanding of plane geometry, proficiency in demonstrating formal proofs and the ability to apply problem solving techniques to geometric models. More emphasis is placed on higher level thinking skills and independent thinking. Strong Algebra skills and excellent study habits are required.  Students are required to keep an average of 85 to stay in my class after the second six weeks.  
Geometry is designed to develop an understanding of the basic structure of plane and space geometry, proficiency in demonstrating formal proofs and the ability to apply problem solving techniques to geometric situations. The goals of this course include the following: to develop deductive thinking, to gain insight into the construction of mathematical models, to prepare a foundation for further study of mathematics and to acquire a systematically organized body of geometric knowledge of physical space. Topics of triangles, polygons, similarity, congruence, parallels, coordinate geometry, circles, polyhedrons, areas and volumes are covered.
Materials Needed:
3 ring binder (1.5 inch or 2 inch)
5 Dividers (Labeled as followed: Calendar, Notes, Assignments, Quizzes, Tests)
Kleenex (Not required but would be nice to have during "cold" months.)